\ Bryozoan References - 1969

Bryozoan References - 1969

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1968 1970
Allen, R. K., 1969.
Common intertidal invertebrates of southern California Vol. pp.1-170. Peek Publications, Palo Alto, California.
Annoscia, E. & Grignani, D., 1969.
Bryozoa, pollen, and macrospores from the subsurface uppermost Deyonian rocks in eastern Cyrenaica (Libya).
Proc Third Afr Micropal Colloqium (1968) Cairo 3: 25-35.
Annoscia, E. 1969.
The bryofauna of mesomiocenic al Jaghbub formation in eastern Cyrenaica (Lybia).
Proc Third Afr Micropal Colloqium (1968) Cairo 3: 37-94.
Anstey, R. L. & Perry, T. G., 1969.
Redescription of cotypes of Peronopora vera Ulrich, a Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician) ectoproct species.
Journal of Paleontology 43: 245-251.
Balakin, G. V., 1969.
New Lower Carboniferous fenestellids from northeastern Uzbekistan [In Russian].
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1969 (4): 53-57. (Translated in: Paleont. J. 3 1969 [1970]: 496-500.)
Banta, W. C., 1969.
The body wall of cheilostome Bryozoa, II. Interzoidal communication organs.
Journal of morphology 129: 149-170.`
Banta, W. C., 1969.
The recent introduction of Watersipora arcuata Banta (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) as a fouling pest in southern California.
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 248-251.
Banta, W. C., 1969.
Watersipora arcuata, a new species in the subovoidea - cucullata - nigra complex (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata).
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 96-102.
Banta, W. C., 1969.
Uscia mexicana, new genus, new species, a watersiporid bryozoan with dimorphic autozoids.
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 30-35.
Bignot, G. & Ebrahimzadeh-Assadian, K., 1969.
La craie a Marsupites testudinarius du Cap d'Ailly. (Pres de Dieppe, Seine-maritime).
Bull. Soc. geol. Normandie 59: 4-15.
Boardman, R. S. & Cheetham, A. H., 1969.
Skeletal growth, intracolony variation, and evolution in Bryozoa: a review.
Journal of Paleontology 43: 205-233.
Boardman, R S, Cheetham, A H & Cook, P L, 1969.
Intracolony variation and the genus concept in Bryozoa.
Proceedings of the North American Paleontological Convention, Part C, 294-320.
Borset, E., 1969.
Two new Norwegian records of the freshwater bryozoan [sic] Plumatella fugosa (Pall.) [In Norwegian summary].
Fauna, Oslo 22: 221-222.
Braga, G & Ghiurca, V, 1969.
Considerazioni sui rapporti esistenti fra le marne a Briozoi dell'Eocene superiore del Veneto (Italia Nord Orientale) e della Transilvania (Romania).
Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Patavina di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 82: 151-161.
Buge, Emile, 1969.
Un remarkable zoarium de bryozoaire chéilostome de l'Helvétien de Touraine.
Annales de Paléontologie 55: 163-170.
Bullivant, J. S., 1969.
Bathhouse Beach assemblage.
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 86-95. (Reprinted in: Coll. Repr. N.Z. oceanogr. Inst. 1970)
Bullivant, J. S., 1969.
Antarctic Map fo. Ser. (NZ) 11: 22-23.
Campbell, K.S.W. & McKellar, R.G., 1969.
Eastern Australian Carboniferous Invertebrates: Sequence and Affinities.
In: Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill, (Ed, Campbell, K.S.W.): 77-119. (Australian National University Press, Canberra)
Caulet, J P, 1969.
Contribution á l'analyse des sédiments organogènes du précontinent algérien. Variations régionales de composition des accumulations de Lamellibranches et Bryozoaires.
Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris, 2e sér., 41(3): 801-816.
Cheetham, A. H., Rucker, J. B. & Carver, R. E., 1969.
Wall structure and mineralogy of the cheilostome bryozoan Metrarabdotos.
Journal of Paleontology 43: 129-135.
Clausade, M., 1969.
Peuplement animal sessile des petits substrats solides récoltés dans trois biocoenoses des fonds détritiques des parages de Marseille.
Tethys 1: 719-750.
Cuffey, R.J., 1969.
Bryozoa versus Ectoprocta-the necessity for precision.
Systematic Zoology 18: 250-251.
Deflandre, G & Chennaux, G., 1969.
Sur la position systématique du genre Salpingocryptum Defl. et Chen., à propos de la découverte d'une èspece nouvelle de Corynotrypa (Bryozoaire) dans le Dévonien moyen de l'Ahnet, Sahara.
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Academie des sciences 268D: 1482-1484.
Dunmore, J., 1969.
French Explorers in the Pacific. II. The Nineteenth Century Vol. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Duncan, H., 1969.
Memoirs of the Geological Society of America 114: 345-433.
Eggleston, D., 1969.
Marine fauna of the Isle of Man: revised lists of Phylum Entoprocta (=Kamptozoa) and Phylum Ectoprocta (=Bryozoa).
Reports of the marine biological station, Port Erin 81: 57-80.
Fleming, P. J. G., 1969.
Fossils from the Neerkol Formation in Central Queensland. In: Campbell, K.S.W. (editor) Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill: 264-275. Australian National University Press, Canberra.
Franzén, Å. 1969.
Phylogenetic aspects of the morphology of spermatozoa and spermiogenesis. ,. In: Baccetti, B. (editor) Comparative sperrnatology. Proceedings of the International Symposium, held in Rome and Siena, 1-5 July 1969.: 29-46. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Academic Press,, Rome. New York & London.
Greeley, R., 1969.
Basally 'uncalcified' zoaria of lunulitiform Bryozoa.
Journal of Paleontology 43: 252-256.
Harmelin, J.-G., 1969.
Bryozoaires des grottes sous-marines obscures de la région marseillaise. Faunistique et écologie.
Tethys 1: 793-806.
Harmelin, J.-G., 1969.
Bryozoaires récoltés au cours de la campagne du Jean Charcot en Méditerranée Orientale (août-septembre 1967). Dragages.
Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 41: 295-311.
Jebram, D, 1969.
Bryozoen als Holzschädlinge im Brackwasser.
Kieler Meeresforsch., 25(1): 224-231.
Karklins, O. L., 1969.
The cryptostome Bryozoa from the Middle Ordovician Decorah Shale, Minnesota.
Minnesota geological survey special publication no. 6: 1-121.
Keij, A. J., 1969.
Encicellaria, a new cheilostomatous bryozoan genus from the Maastrichtian of Maastricht, Netherlands.
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Series B 72 (3): 211-217.
Keij, A. J., 1969.
Dicasignetella, a bryozoan-like problematicum from the Bartonian of Belgium.
Revue de Micropaleontologie 12 (1): 21-24.
Keij, A. J., 1969.
Bicornifera lindenbergi n. sp. from the Upper Oligocene of Escorbeou, S. W. France.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1969: 241-246.
Kiseleva, A. V., 1969.
New bryozoans of the Family Girtyporidae from the Upper Permian of the southern Maritime Territory [in Russian].
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1969 (1): 90-94. (Translated in Paleontological Journal 3: 79-84)
Labracherie, Monique, 1969.
Nouveaux bryozoaires de la famille des Farciminariidae du Tertiaire aquitain.
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, (7) 11: 630-637.
Lagaaij, R, 1969.
Paleocene Bryozoa from a boring in Surinam.
Geologie en Mijnbouw, 48(2): 165-175.
Larwood, G. P., 1969.
Frontal calcification and its function in some Cretaceous and Recent cribrimorph and other cheilostome Bryozoa.
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology 18: 171-192.
Lutaud, G, 1969.
La nature des corps funiculaires des cellulariines, Bryozoaires Chilostomes.
Arch. Zool. Exp. & Gén., 110(1): 5-29.
Lutaud, G., 1969.
Le "plexus" pariétal de Hiller et la coloration du système nerveux par le bleu de méthylène chez quelques Bryozoaires Chilostomes.
Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 99: 302-314.
McKinney, F. K., 1969.
Bibliography and List (1900-1965) of the Families Constellariidae and Dianulitidae (Ectoprocta, Order Cystoporata).
Southeastern Geology 10 (3): 175-184.
McKinney, F. K., 1969.
Organic structures in a Late Mississippian trepostomatous ectoproct (bryozoan).
Journal of Paleontology 43: 285-288.
Menon, N R & Nair, N B, 1969.
Rediscovery of Bugulella clavata Hincks, 1887 (Ectoprocta).
Curr. Sci., 38(5): 116.
Mongereau, Noël, 1969.
Le genre Idmonea Lamouroux 1821 (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata) dans le Tertiaire d'Europe.
Geobios 2: 205-264.
Moyano G., H. I., 1969.
Bryozoa colectados por la Expedicion Antartica Chilena 1964-65. III. Family Cellariidae Hincks, 1880.
Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Concepción 41: 41-77.
Mortelmans, G., 1969.
L'etage Tournaisien dans sa localite-type.
Compte r. Congr. Strat. Geol. Carbon. 6 (1): 19-43.
Okland, J., 1969.
Plumatella fungosa (Pallas) new to Norway, and remarks on regional studies of the freshwater Bryozoa.
Fauna, Oslo 22: 215-221,.
Owen, D. E., 1969.
Wenlockian Bryozoa from Dudley, Niagara, and Gotland and their palaeogeographic implications.
Palaeontology 12: 621-636.
Owen, D. E., 1969.
Lower Carboniferous Polyzoa from Scotland.
Geological Journal 6: 257-266.
Pinter, P.A., 1969.
Bryozoan-algal association in southern California waters.
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science, 69 (4), 199-217
Pitt, L. J. & Thomas, H. D., 1969.
The Polyzoa of some British Jurassic clays.
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Geology) 18: 31-38. (Pl. 1-4)
Powell, N. A., 1969.
Indo-Pacific Bryozoa new to the Mediterranean coast of Israel.
Israel Journal of Zoology 18: 157-168.
Powell, N. A., 1969.
A check-list of Indo-Pacific Bryozoa in the Red Sea.
Israel Journal of Zoology 18: 357-362.
Powell, N. A., 1969.
The occurrence of Melicerita angustiloba Tenison-Woods (Bryozoa - Cellariidae) in New Zealand offshore waters.
Trans roy soc NZ (biol sci) 11: 201-204.
Reguant, S., 1969.
Algunos briozos del Cuaternario del delta del rio Llobregat (Barcelona).
Acta geol. hispan. 4: 38-43.
Ross, J. P., 1969.
Champlainian (Ordovician) Ectoprocta (Bryozoa), New York State, Part II.
Journal of Paleontology 43: 35-49.
Rucker, J. B. & Carver, R. E., 1969.
A survey of the carbonate mineralogy of the cheilostome Bryozoa.
Journal of Paleontology 43: 791-799.
Ryland, J. S., 1969.
A nomenclatural index to 'A history of the British Marine Polyzoa' by T.Hincks (1880).
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology 17: 207-260.
Schopf, T. J. M., 1969.
Paleoecology of ectoprocts (bryozoans).
Journal of Paleontology 43: 234-244.
Schopf, T J M, 1969.
Geographic and depth distribution of the Phylum Ectoprocta from 200 to 6,000 meters.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 113(6): 464-474.
Silén, L., 1969.
Ur den fatsittande faunans liv: studier over bryozoen Electra crustulenta.
Zool. Revy 31: 29-32.
Simma-Krieg, B., 1969.
On the variation and special reproduction habits of Aetea sica (Couch).
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 10: 129-137.
Soule, J. D. & Soule, D. F., 1969.
Systematics and biogeography of burrowing bryozoans.
American Zoologist 9: 791-802.
Soule, J D & Soule, D F, 1969.
Three new species of burrowing bryozoans (Ectoprocta) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 78: 1-9.
Ström, R, 1969.
Sexual reproduction in a stoloniferous bryozoan, Triticella koreni (G. O. Sars).
Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala, 38: 113-128.
Szczechura, J., 1969.
Problematic microfossils from the Upper Eocene of Poland.
Revista Española de Micropaleontología 1 (1): 81-94.
Tavener-Smith, R., 1969.
Wall structure and acanthopores in the bryozoan Leioclema asperum.
Lethaia 4: 89-97.
Tavener-Smith, R., 1969.
Skeletal structure and growth in the Fenestellidae (Bryozoa).
Palaeontology 12: 281-309.
Utgaard, J., 1969.
A revision of North American genera of ceramoporoid bryozoans (Ectoprocta): Part III: the ceramoporoid genera Ceramopora, Papillalunaria, Favositella, and Haplotrypa.
Journal of Paleontology 43: 289-297.
Viganò, Antonio, 1969.
Colonizzazione sperimentale di acque umbre con statoblasti di briozoi.
Boll. Zool. 36: 358-359.
Volkova, K. N., 1969.
Evolution of the Devonian bryozoan genus Lioclema (On material from the south of Western Siberia) [in Russian].
Trudy inst Geol Geofiz sib Otd 68: 40-55.
Walter, B., 1969.
Les Bryozoaires jurassiques en France. Étude systématique. Rapports avec la stratigraphie et la paléoécologie.
Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon 35: 1-328.
Wass, R. E., 1969.
Australian Permian polyzoan faunas: distribution and implications. In: Campbell, K.S.W. (editor) Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill: 236-245. Australian National University Press, Canberra.
Wass, Robin E. & Byrnes, J. G., 1969.
A new genus of Polyzoa (Cryptostomata) from the Devonian of New South Wales, Australia.
Geological Magazine 106: 159-165.
1968 1970

Document edited 26/1/2017
Edited by Phil Bock
This URL is http://bryozoa.net/annual/ref1969.html