Bryozoan References - 2020
Under Construction!
- Achilleos, Katerina, Gordon, Dennis P. & M., Smith Abigail, 2020.
- Cellaria (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from the deep: new species from the southern Zealandian region.
Zootaxa, 4801 (2): 201-236.
- Achilleos, Katerina, Jimenez, Carlos, Berning, Björn & Petrou, Antonis, 2020.
- Bryozoan diversity of Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea): first results from census surveys (2011-2018).
Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (1): 228-237.
- Almeida, Ana C.S., Souza, Facelucia B.C., Vieira, Leandro M. & Nogueira, Maros M., 2020.
- Influence of depth on bryozoan richness and distribution from the continental shelf of the northern coast of Bahia State, north-eastern Brazil.
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 92 (3) e20191096: 1-19.
- Angelo-Preckler, Carlos, Garcia-Lopez, Eva, Figuerola, Blanca, Avila, Conxita & Cid, Cristina, 2020.
- Natural chemical control of marine associated microbial communities by sessile Antarctic invertebrates.
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 85: 197-210.
- Antoshkina, A.I., Leonova, L.V. & Simakova, Yu.S., 2020.
- The Development of Miocene Biohermal Bryozoan Limestones of Kazantip Cape (Crimea): A New Insight.
Doklady Earth Sciences, 491: 195-198.
- Arakawa, Shinji, 2020.
- Monoporella projecta (Cheilostomata: Bryozoa), a New Uniserial Species from the Continental Shelf and Slope of Japan.
Species Diversity, 25: 219-225.
- Avila, Concita, Angelo-Preckler, Carlos, Martin-Martin, Rafael P., Figuerola, Blanca, Griffiths, Hugh James & Waller, Catherine Louise, 2020.
- invasive marine species discovered on non-native kelp rafts in the warmest Antarctic island.
Scientific Reports, 10:1639: 1-9.
- Batson, Peter B., Tamberg, Yuta, Taylor, Paul D., Gordon, Dennis P. & Smith, Abigail M., 2020.
- Skeletal resorption in bryozoans: occurrence, function and recognition.
Biological Reviews, 95 (5): 1341-1371.
- Boonzaaier-Davids, Melissa K., Florence, Wayne K. & Gibbons, Mark J., 2020.
- Novel taxa of Cheilostomata Bryozoa discovered in the historical backlogs of the Iziko South African Museum.
Zootaxa, 4820 (1): 105-133.
- Boonzaaier-Davids, Melissa K., Florence, Wayne K. & Gibbons, Mark J., 2020.
- Zoogeography of Marine Bryozoa around South Africa.
African Journal of Marine Science, 42 (2): 185-198.
- Bracegirdle, Joe, Gordon, Dennis P., Harvey, Joanne E. & Keyzers, Robert A., 2020.
- Kinase-Inhibitory Nucleoside Derivatives from the Pacific Bryozoan Nelliella nelliiformis.
Journal of Natural Products, 83: 547-551.
- Buttler, Caroline J. & Taylor, Paul D., 2020.
- Review of symbioses between bryozoans and primary and secondary occupants of gastropod shells in the fossil record.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 11-22. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Carballeira, Rafael, Romay, Cosme D. & Ramos, Atocha, 2020.
- First record of a freshwater bryozoan species in Cuba: Plumatella repens (Linnaeus, 1758) (Phylactolaemata, Bryozoa).
Zookeys, 918: 151-160.
- Carrera, Marcelo G., Sterren, Andrea F., Cisterna, Gabriela A. & Niemeyer, Hans R., 2019 online (2020).
- Pinegopora chilensis, a new Permian bryozoan species of the Andean bryozoan province in southwestern Gondwana.
Journal of Paleontology, 94 (1): 180-184.
- Casoli, E., Mancini, G., Ventura, D., Pace, D.S., Belluscio, A. & Ardizzone, G.D., 2020.
- Reteporella spp. success in the re-colonization of bare coralligenous reef impacted by Costa Concordia shipwreck: The pioneer species you did not expect.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 161: 111808.
- Chatterjeee, Tapas, Dovgal, Igor, Vieira, Leandro M., Dutta, Arpita & Nanajkar, Mandar, 2020.
- Report of ciliate-bryozoan-crustacean hyperepibiosis on crab (Decapoda: Brachyura) from west coast of India, Arabian Sea.
Zootaxa, 4890 (3).
- Chatterjeee, Tapas & Dovgal, Igor, 2020.
- A checklist of ciliate epibionts (Ciliophora) found on bryozoans.
Zootaxa, 4896 (4).
- Ciavatta, Maria Letizia, Lefranc, Florence, Vieira, Leandro M., Kiss, Robert, Carbone, Marianna, van Otterloo, Willem A.L., Lopanik, Nicole B. & Waeschenbach, Andrea, 2020.
- The Phylum Bryozoa: From Biology to Biomedical Potential.
marine drugs, 18: 200.
- Comerford, Belinda, Álvarez-Noriega, Mariana & Marshall, Dustin, 2020.
- Differential resource use in filter-feeding marine invertebrates.
Oecologia (online).
- Decker, Sebastian, Wanninger, Andreas & Schwaha, Thomas, 2020.
- Morphology and life cycle of an epiphytic pherusellid ctenostome bryozoan from the Mediterranean Sea.
Organisms Diversity & Evolution (online).
- Denisenko, Nina V., 2020.
- Видовое богатство и степень изученности фауны мшанок Арктического региона. Species richness and the level of knowledge of the bryozoan fauna of the Arctic region. [in Russian]
Proceedings of Zoological Institute of RAS, 324 (3): 353-363.
- Dick, Matthew H., Ngai, Nguyen Danh & Doan, Hung Dinh , 2020.
- Taxonomy and diversity of coelobite bryozoans from drift coral cobbles on Co To Island, northern Vietnam.
Zootaxa, 4747 (2): 201-252.
- Dick, Matthew H., Waeschenbach, Andrea, Trott, Thomas J., Onishi, Takumi, Beveridge, Chris, Bishop, John D., Ito, Minako & Ostrovsky, Andrew N., 2020.
- Global distribution and variation of the invasive cheilostome bryozoan Cribrilina mutabilis.
Zoological Science, 37 (3): 217-231.
- Di Martino, Emanuela, Liow, Lee Hsiang, Perkins, Tom, Portell, Roger W. & Taylor, Paul D., 2020.
- Sneaking up on ‘enemies’: alleviating inherent disadvantages in competitive outcomes in a nearly 3‐million‐year‐old palaeocommunity from Florida, USA.
Facies (online).
- Di Martino, Emanuela, Taylor, Paul D. & Gordon, Dennis P., 2020.
- Erect bifoliate species of Microporella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata), fossil and modern.
European Journal of Taxonomy, 678: 1-31.
- Erickson, J. Mark, 2020.
- Behavioral stereotypy and some ecological consequences of entrance-shaft placement of the domichnium Sanctum laurentiensis in Ordovician trepostomate Bryozoa.
Ichnos (online).
- Ernst, Andrej, 2020.
- 2.Fossil record and evolution of Bryozoa.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 11-55. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Ernst, Andrej, 2020.
- 8. Cyclostomata (Stenolaemata).
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 225-263. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Ernst, Andrej, 2020.
- Anastomopora (Fenestrata, Bryozoa) from the Middle Devonian of the Rhenish Massif, Germany.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 297 (1): 11-26.
- Ernst, Andrej, Bahrami, Ali & Parast, Ayesheh, 2020.
- Early Famennian bryozoan fauna from the Baqer-abad section, northeast Isfahan, central Iran.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (online).
- Ernst, Andrej, Kora, Mahmoud, El-Desouky, Heba, Herbig, Hans-Georg & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., 2020.
- Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Carboniferous of Egypt.
Journal of African Earth Sciences.
- Ernst, Andrej, Li Qijian, Zhang Min & Munnecke, Axel, 2020 (print 2021).
- Bryozoans from the lower Silurian (Telychian) Hanchiatien Formation from southern Chongqing, South China.
Journal of Paleontology 95 (2) 252-267.
- Farias, Jamile, Souza, Facelucia B.C., Vieira, Leandro M. & Almeida, Ana C.S., 2020.
- On some Smittinidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from Bahia, northeastern Brazil, with the description of a new species.
Marine Biodiversity, 50:72: 1-17.
- Fortunato, Helena, Gonzaga, L. & Quaiyum, S., 2020.
- Chemical and microbiological characterization of metabolites from Cryptosula zavjalovensis Kubanin, 1976 - preliminary report.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 23-34. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Franeck, Franziska & Liow, Lee Hsiang, 2020.
- Did hard substrate taxa diversify prior to the Great Ordovician Bodiversification Event?
- Gontar, Valentina I., 2020.
- МШАНКИ (Bryozoa) КАСПИЙСКОГО МОРЯ (Bryozoa of the Caspian Sea).
БИОЛОГИЯ ВНУТРЕННИХ ВОД (Biology of Inland Waters), 1: 3-16.
- Gontar, Valentina I., 2020.
- Bryozoa of the Caspian Sea.
Aquatic Flora and Fauna, 13 (1): 3-16.
- Gontar, Valentina I., 2020.
- Parellisina gruzovi sp. n. (Bryozoa: Calloporidae) – Новый вид Мшанок из района Курильских Островов.
Biologiya Morya (Биология Моря), 46 (1): 65-69.
- González-Mora, Sergio, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., Bancroft, Adrian J. & Sour-Tovar, Francisco, 2020.
- Palaeocorynid-type structures in fenestellid Bryozoa from the Carboniferous of Oaxaca, Mexico.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 35-42. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Gordon, Dennis P., 2020.
- New Hippothoidae (Bryozoa) from Australasia.
Zootaxa, 4750 (4): 451-476.
- Gordon, Dennis P. & Sanner, JoAnn, 2020.
- Euthyriselloidea and Mamilloporoidea - expanded superfamily concepts based on the recognition of new families.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 43-58. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Gordon, Dennis P., Sutherland, Judy E., Perez, Brenda A., Waeschenbach, Andrea, Taylor, Paul D. & Di Martino, Emanuela, 2020.
- The bryozoan genus Conopeum (Electridae) in New Zealand, with description of a new species and discussion of the morphological and genetic characters of Conopeum seurati (Canu, 1928).
Journal of Natural History, 54 (15-16): 947-970.
- Goutham-Bharathi, M.P. & Raghunathan, Chelladurai, 2020.
- New records of three cheilostomatous bryozoans from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India.
Regional Studies in Marine Science, 40.
- Grischenko, Andrei V., Gordon, Dennis P. & Melnik, Viacheslav P., 2020.
- Pandanipora fragilis - a new deep-water cyclostome bryozoan from the subequatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Atlantic Ocean, and a review of Pandanipora worldwide.
Zootaxa, 4895 (4): 594-600.
- Gruhl, Alexander, 2020.
- 5. Larval structure and metamorphosis.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 123-141. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Håkansson, Eckart & Zágoršek, Kamil, 2020.
- A radical, novel design for a free-living bryozoan colony: Biselenaria placentula (Reuss, 1867).
Journal of Paleontology (online).
- Harmelin, Jean-Georges, 2020.
- The Mediterranean species of Hornera Lamouroux, 1821 (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata): reassessment of H. frondiculata (Lamarck, 1816) and description of H. mediterranea n. sp.
Zoosystema, 42 (27): 525-545.
- Nilsen Haugen, Marianne, Novosel, Maja, Wisshak, Max & Berning, Björn, 2020.
- The genus Reptadeonella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) in European waters: there's more in it than meets the eye.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 59-68. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Hiebert, Laurel S., Simpson, Carl & Tiozzo, Stefano, 2020.
- Coloniality, clonality, and modularity in animals: The elephant in the room.
Journal of Experimental Zoology-B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution.
- Hirose, Masato, Gordon, Dennis P. & d'Hondt, Jean Loup, 2020.
- New seriated Amathia species in Japan, with a redescription of A. acervata Lamouroux, 1824 (Bryozoa: Ctenostomata).
Zootaxa, 4742 (2): 311-331.
- Hirose, Masato, Ide, Aria & Shirai, Kotaro, 2020.
- The growth of Celleporina attenuata estimated based on the oxygen isotopic compositions and microfocus X-ray CT imaging analysis.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 69-82. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 2020.
- Considérations sur les différentes évolutions des cellules-souches chez les bryozoaires : le cas des cellules infracoronales larvaires (Considerations on the divergent evolution of the stem cells in Bryozoans: the case the larval infracoronal cells).
Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 145 (3): 215-224.
- d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 2020.
- Les bryozoaires eurystomes : une mosaïque de caractères structuraux et ontogénétiques.
Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 145 (3): 199-213.
- d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 2020.
- Clés tabulaires de détermination des lignées phylogénétiques majeures chez les bryozoaires actuels.
Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 145 (2): 169-177.
- Iglikowska, Anna, Krzemińskab, Małgorzata, Renaud, Paul E., Berge, Jørgen, Hop, Haakon & Kukliński, Piotr, 2020.
- Summer and winter MgCO3 levels in the skeletons of Arctic bryozoans.
Marine Environmental Research (online).
- James, Anna K., English, Chance J., Nidzieko, Carlson, Craig A. & Wilbanks, Elizabeth G., 2020.
- Giant kelp microbiome altered in the presence of epiphytes.
Limnology and Oceanography Letters (online).
- Katsanevakis S, Poursanidis D, Hoffman R, Rizgalla J, Rothman SB‐S, Levitt‐Barmats Y, Hadjioannou L, Trkov D, Garmendia JM, Rizzo M, Bartolo AG, Bariche M, Tomas F, Kleitou P, Schembri PJ, Kletou D, Tiralongo F, Pergent C, Pergent G, Azzurro E, Bilecenoglu M, Lodola A, Ballesteros E, Gerovasileiou V, Verlaque M, Occhipinti‐ Ambrogi A, Kytinou E, Dailianis T, Ferrario J, Crocetta F, Jimenez C, Evans J, Ragkousis M, Lipej L, Borg JA, Dimitriadis C, Chatzigeorgiou G, Albano PG, Kalogirou S, Bazairi H, Espinosa F, Ben Souissi J, Tsiamis K, Badalamenti F, Langeneck J, Noel P, Deidun A, Marchini A, Skouradakis G, Royo L, Sini M, Bianchi CN, Sghaier Y‐R, Ghanem R, Doumpas N, Zaouali J, Tsirintanis K, Papadakis O, Morri C, Çinar ME, Terrados J, Insacco G, Zava B, Soufi‐Kechaou E, Piazzi L, Ben Amor KO, Andriotis E, Gambi MC, Ben Amor MM, Garrabou J, Linares C, Fortič A, Digenis M, Cebrian E, Fourt M, Zotou M, Castriota L, Di Martino V, Rosso A, Pipitone C, Falautano M, García M, Zakhama‐Sraieb R, Khamassi F, Mannino AM, Ktari MH, Kosma I, Rifi M, Karachle PK, Yapıcı S, Bos AR, Balistreri P, Esplá AR, Tempesti J, Inglese O, Giovos I, Damalas D, Benhissoune S, Huseyinoglu MF, Rjiba‐ Bahri W, Santamaría J, Orlando‐Bonaca M, Izquierdo A, Stamouli C, Montefalcone M, Cerim H, Golo R, Tsioli S, Orfanidis S, Michailidis N, Gaglioti M, Taşkın E, Mancuso E, Žunec A, Cvitković I, Filiz H, Sanfilippo R, Siapatis A, Mavrič B, Karaa S, Türker A, Monniot F, Verdura J, El Ouamari N, Selfati M, Zenetos A, 2020.
- Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien and cryptogenic species.
Bioinvasions Records, 9 (2): 165-182.
- Key, Marcus M. Jr, 2020.
- Estimating colony age from colony size in encrusting cheilostomes.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 83-90. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Key, Marcus M. Jr, Smith, Abigail M., Phillips, Niomi & Forrester, Jeffery S., 2020.
- Effect of removal of organic material on stable isotope values in skeletal carbonate from taxonomic groups with complex mineralogies.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
- Koromyslova, Anna V. & Fedorov, Petr V., 2020 (printed 2021).
- The oldest bifoliate cystoporate and two other bryozoan taxa from the Dapingian (Middle Ordovician) of north-western Russia.
Journal of Paleontology, 95 (1): 24-39.
- Koromyslova, Anna V. & Seltser, Vladimir B., 2020.
- Early Maastrichtian cheilostome bryozoans from the middle Volga River region.
Paläontologische Zeitschrift (online).
- Koromyslova, Anna V. & Sennikov, N.V., 2020.
- A New Bryozoan of the Genus Dianulites Eichwald from the Ordovician of Gorny Altai and the Russian Arctic.
Paleontological Journal, 54: 514-523.
- Kumar, Gokhlesh, Ertl, Reinhard, Bartholomew, Jerri L. & El-Matbouli, Mansour, 2020.
- First transcriptome analysis of bryozoan Fredericella sultana, the primary host of myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae.
PeerJ, 8e:9027.
- Liow, Lee Hsiang & Gordon, Dennis P., 2020.
- New species of Adeonellopsis (Bryozoa: Adeonidae) from southern Zealandia and the western Tasman Sea.
Zootaxa, 4895 (3): 301-331.
- López-Gappa, Juan, Liuzzi, Maria G. & Pereyra, C., 2020.
- A new species of Hippomonavella (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) from the Holocene and Recent of Argentina and Uruguay (Southwest Atlantic).
Zootaxa, 4728 (1): 143-148.
- López-Gappa, Juan & Pereyra, Cristian A., 2020.
- Bryozoans and borings from Destacamento Río Salado Member (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina): Systematics and palaeoenvironment.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 102 102712: 1-9.
- Ma Junye, Buttler, Caroline J. & Taylor, Paul D., 2020.
- The last known cryptostome bryozoan? Tebitopora from the Tibetan Triassic.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 91-98. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Martha, Silviu O., Vieira, Leandro M., Souto-Derungs, Javier, Grischenko, Andrei V., Gordon, Dennis P. & Ostrovsky, Andrew N., 2020.
- 11. Gymnolaemata, Cheilostomata.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 317-423. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Meloni, Marco, Nancy, Correa., Pitombo, Fabio B., Chiesa, Ignacio L., Doti, Brenda, Elías, Rodolfo, Genzano, Gabriel, Giachetti, Clara B., Gímenez, Diego, López Gappa, Juan, Pastor, Catalina, Wandeness, Adriane P., Ramírez, Fernando C., Roccatagliata, Daniel, Schulze-Sylvester, Maria, Tatián, Marcos, Zelaya, Diego G. & Sylvester, Francisco, 2020.
- In-water and dry-dock hull fouling assessments reveal high risk for regional translocation of nonindigenous species in the southwestern Atlantic.
Hydrobiologica, 848: 1981-1996.
- Mesentseva, Olga P. & Udodov, J.V., 2020.
- New Species of the Genus Filites Počta in Barrande (Bryozoa) from the Emsian (Lower Devonian) of Salair.
Paleontological Journal, 54: 255-262.
- Novosel, Maja, Hageman, Steven J., Mihanovic, Hrvoje & Novosel, Andelko, 2020.
- Bryodiversity along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 99-109. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Orr, Russell J.S., Sannum, Maja M., Boessenkool, Sanne, Di Martino, Emanuela, Gordon, Dennis P., Mello, Hannah L., Obst, Matthias, Ramsfjell, Mali H., M., Smith Abigail & Liow, Lee Hsiang, 2020.
- A molecular phylogeny of historical and contemporary specimens of an under-studied invertebrate group.
Ecology and Evolution.
- Ostrovsky, Andrew N., 2020.
- 4. Sexual reproduction in Bryozoa.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 101-121. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Pagès-Escolà, Marta, Bock, Philip E., Gordon, Dennis P., Wilson, Simon, Linares, Cristina, Hereu, Bernart & Costello, Mark J., 2020.
- Progress in the discovery of extant and fossil bryozoans.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 635: 71-79.
- Pagès-Escolà, Marta, Hereu, Bernat, la Rovira, Graciel·, Medrano, Alba, Aspillaga, Eneko, Capdevila, Pol & Linares, Cristina, 2020.
- Unravelling the population dynamics of the Mediterranean bryozoan Pentapora fascialis to assess its role as an indicator of recreational diving for adaptive management of marine protected areas.
Ecological Indicators, 109 105781: 1-11.
- Pérez, Leandro M., López-Gappa, Juan, Vieira, Leandro M. & Gordon, Dennis P., 2020.
- New species of the austral bryozoan genus Taylorus nom. nov. (Escharinidae): phylogenetic and palaeobiogeographical implications.
New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics (online).
- Piwoni-Piórewicz, Anna, Krzeminska, Malgórzata, Iglikowska, Anna, Jens, Najorka & Kukliński, Piotr, 2020.
- Skeletal mineralogy patterns of Bryozoa from the Aleutian Islands in the context of revealing a global pattern in bryozoan skeletal mineralogy.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 111-124. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Ramalho, Lais V., Caballero-Herrera, José A., Urra, Javier & Rueda, José L, 2020.
- Bryozoans from Chella Bank (Seco de los Olivos), with the description of a new species and some new records for the Mediterranean Sea.
Marine Biodiversity, 50/20.
- Ramalho, Lais V., López-Fé, Carlos M., Mateo-Ramírez, Angel & Rueda, Jóse Luiz, 2020.
- Bryozoa from deep-sea habitats of the northern Gulf of Cádiz (Northeastern Atlantic).
Zootaxa, 4768 (4): 451-478.
- Rayko, Mikhail, Komissarov, Aleksey, Kwan, Jason C., Lim-Fong, Grace, Rhodes, Adelaide C., Kliver, Sergey, Kuchur, Polina, O’Brien, Stephen J. & Lopez, Jose V., 2020.
- Draft genome of Bugula neritina, a colonial animal packing powerful symbionts and potential medicines.
Scientific Data, 7:356: 1-5.
- Rodrigues, Maria J.S., Almeida, Ana C.S. & Vieira, Leandro M., 2020.
- New species of Stylopoma (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from Bahia State,
northeastern Brazil.
Zootaxa, 4786 (4): 516-534.
- Rosso, Antonietta, Di Martino, Emanuela & Gerovasileiou, Vasilis, 2020.
- Revision of the genus Setosella (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) with description of new species from deep-waters and submarine caves of the Mediterranean Sea.
Zootaxa, 4728 (4): 401-442.
- Rosso, Antonietta, Di Martino, Emanuela & N., Ostrovsky. Andrew, 2020 (printed 2021).
- Cribrilinid bryozoans from Pleistocene Mediterranean deep-waters, with the description of new species.
Journal of Paleontology 95 (2): 268-290.
- Rosso, Antonietta, Gerovasileiou, Vasilis & Di Martino, Emanuela, 2020.
- Really Onychocellids? Revisions and New Findings Increase the Astonishing Bryozoan Diversity of the Mediterranean Sea.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 904: 1-25.
- Rosso, Antonietta, Harmelin, Jean-Georges, Sanfilippo, Rossana & Sciuto, Francesco, 2020.
- Turbicellepora incrassata and Corallium rubrum: unexpected relationships in a coralligenous habitat from NW Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea.
In: Bryozoan Studies 2019, (Eds, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Zágoršek, Kamil): 125-137. (Czech Geological Survey, Prague)
- Rosso, Antonietta, Reitano, Agatino & Sanfilippo, Rossana, 2020.
- Cemented on the Rock. A Pleistocene Outer Shelf Lithobiont Community from Sicily, Italy.
geosciences, 10, 343.
- Rouse, Sally, Porter, Joanne S. & Wilding, Thomas A., 2020.
- Artificial reef design affects benthic secondary productivity and provision of functional habitat.
Ecology and Evolution (online).
- Rust, Seabourne, 2020.
- A record of the distinctive bryozoan genus Retelepralia from the Early Miocene Waitiiti Formation, Northland, New Zealand.
Geocene, 23: 16-18.
- Schack, Carolann R., Gordon, Dennis P. & Ryan, Ken G., 2020.
- Community assembly in a modular organism: the impact of environmental filtering on bryozoan colony form and polymorphism.
- Schwaha, Thomas (editor), 2020.
- Phylum Bryozoa. (Handbook of Zoology) (De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston). 444 pp.
- Schwaha, Thomas, 2020.
- O anus, where art thou? An investigation of ctenostome bryozoans.
Journal of morphology.
- Schwaha, Thomas, 2020.
- Bryozoa, Cristatella Mucedo : Introduction.
In: Microscopic Anatomy of the Animals, (Ed, Starck, J. Matthias): (Wiley Online Library, New York)
- Schwaha, Thomas., 2020 (editor).
- Phylum Bryozoa (Handbook of Zoology). (de Gruyter, Berlin). 444pp.
- Schwaha, Thomas, 2020.
- General Introduction.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 1-10. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Schwaha, Thomas, 2020.
- 3. Morphology of bryozoans.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 57-100. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Schwaha, Thomas, 2020.
- 7. Phylactolaemata.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 189-224. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
- Schwaha, Thomas, 2020.
- 9. Gymnolaemata.
In: Phylum Bryozoa, (Ed, Schwaha, Thomas): 265-268. (de Gruyter, Berlin)
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Document edited 10/4/2022
Edited by Phil Bock
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