Bryozoa - Taxa for 1954

Under Construction!

This is a provisional list; it is based upon a fairly small amount of information. Contributions and suggestions (and corrections) are requested.

This file is still being edited, and the age and locality details are not visible. The information is included in the file as a comment, and inspection of the source code will reveal it to you.

1953 1955
Chiastosella enigma Brown, 1954 Recent New Zealand
Cillia Kühn, 1954    
Cillia cilliae Kühn, 1954 Neogene Miocene Burdigalian Austria
Costaticella gisleni Silen, 1954 Recent Australia WA
Crepidacantha bracebridgei Brown, 1954 Recent Australia
Crepidacantha kirkpatricki Brown, 1954 Recent Australia
Cribrilina vas
(Now Reginella)
Brown, 1954 Neogene Pliocene New Zealand
Electra posidoniae Gautier, 1954 Recent Mediterranean
Eridotrypa kwangsiensis Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Eridotrypa minuta Astrova, 1954 Silurian Ludlow Moldava
Eridotrypa sinensis
(Now Eridotrypella)
Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Fistulipora chaoi Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Fistulipora hemispheroidea Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Fistulipora irregularis Yang, 1954 Devonian Emsian-Eifelian China
Fistulipora kwangsiensis Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Fistulipora lamellosa Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Fistulipora ovata
Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Fistulipora yungchunensis Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Heterotrypa? globosa Astrova, 1954 Silurian Ludlow Moldava
Holoporella firmispinosa
(Now Celleporaria)
Silen, 1954 Recent Australia WA
'Lepralia' bensoni
(Now Elleschara)
Brown, 1954 Recent New Zealand
Leptotrypella kwangsiensis Yang, 1954 Middle Devonian Eifelian China
Lioclema trematoporoides astrova, 1954 Silurian Ludlow Moldava
Ramphonotus crassispinosus
(Now Amphiblestrum)
Silen, 1954 Recent Australia WA
Reteporidea reussi
(Now = Polyascocoecia coronopus)
Kühn, 1954 Neogene Miocene Burdigalian Austria
Rhopalonaria lambtonensis
(Now Orbignyopora)
Fritz, 1954 Middle Devonian Givetian Canada
Smittina terraenovae Brown, 1954 Neogene Pliocene New Zealand
Stylopoma magnovicellata Silen, 1954 Recent Australia WA
Syringotrema krampi Brown, 1954 Neogene Pliocene New Zealand
Trematopora angulata
(Now Leptotrypella)
astrova, 1954 Silurian Ludlow Moldava
Trematopora moldavensis
(Now Leptotrypella)
astrova, 1954 Silurian Ludlow Moldava
Trematopora petaloides
(Now Neotrematopora)
astrova, 1954 Silurian Ludlow Moldava
Tretocycloecia distincta
(Now Tetrocycloecia)
Kühn, 1954 Neogene Miocene Burdigalian Austria
Triphyllozoon cornutum Silen, 1954 Recent Australia WA
Triphyllozoon microstigmatum Silen, 1954 Recent Australia WA
Triphyllozoon regulare Silen, 1954 Recent Australia WA
Wilbertopora Kühn, 1954    
Wilbertopora mutabilis Cheetham, 1954 Early Cretaceous Albian USA Texas
1953 1955

Document edited 19/08/2014
Edited by Phil Bock
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