Palmiskenea Bishop & Hayward, 1989

Type species: Millepora skenei Ellis & Solander, 1786

This genus includes the species:

  1. Palmiskenea abdita
  2. Winston & Hayward, 2012 Recent Northwest Atlantic USA WoRMS 607829
  3. Palmiskenea alata
  4. (Lagaaij, 1952) Neogene Pliocene Netherlands WoRMS 1412679
  5. Palmiskenea aquilonia
  6. Hayward, 1994 Recent Northeast Atlantic WoRMS 111116
  7. Palmiskenea faroensis
  8. Hayward, 1994 Recent Faroe Islands WoRMS 111117
  9. Palmiskenea gautieri
  10. Madurell, Zabala, Domínguez-Carrió & Gili, 2013 Recent Mediterranean WoRMS 826368
  11. Palmiskenea plana
  12. (Hincks, 1888) Recent North Atlantic, Arctic WoRMS 111119
  13. Palmiskenea skenei
  14. (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Recent N. Atlantic, Mediterranean WoRMS 111120

Palmiskenea skenei at Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland.

Palmiskenea plana at Atlas of Arctic Bryozoa - Piotr Kuklinski.
Palmiskenea skenei at Atlas of Arctic Bryozoa - Piotr Kuklinski.

Palmiskenea skenei at

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Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 17/11/2014
Modified on 13/6/2020 (Added WoRMS links)
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