Diamesopora Hall, 1852

Type species: Diamesopora dichotoma Hall, 1852

Synonyms Author Type Species
Coeloclema Ulrich, 1883 Trematopora osculum Hall, 1876

This genus includes the species:

  1. Diamesopora dichotoma
  2. Hall, 1852 Silurian USA New York, Canada
  3. Diamesopora infrequens
  4. (Hall, 1876) Silurian Wenlockian USA Indiana
  5. Diamesopora osculum
  6. (Hall, 1876) Silurian Wenlockian USA Indiana
  7. Diamesopora subimbricata
  8. (Hall, 1879) Silurian Wenlockian USA Indiana

This information is based upon various sources, but no personal knowledge. I am indebted to the late Alan Horowitz for his compilation, and to Dr. J. Pachut.
I would be grateful for corrections to, or critical reviews of this information. This is not a 'final' version (an impossible ideal), but a working document.

Home Page Systematic Family List Alphabetic Family List Family Page
Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 10/01/2014
This URL is http://bryozoa.net/cystoporida/ceramoporidae/diamesopora.html