Papillalunaria Utgaard, 1969

Type species: Crepipora spatiosa Ulrich, 1893

This genus includes the species:

  1. Papillalunaria hemispherica
  2. (Ulrich, 1890) Ordovician Ashgill USA Illinois, Wisconsin WoRMS 1412684
  3. Papillalunaria magnum
  4. Conti, 1990 Ordovician Italy Sardinia WoRMS 1406178
  5. Papillalunaria perampla
  6. (Ulrich, 1893) Ordovician Caradoc USA Minnesota WoRMS 1412685
  7. Papillalunaria spatiosa
  8. (Ulrich, 1893) Ordovician Caradoc USA Kentucky WoRMS 1412686

This information is based upon various sources, but no personal knowledge. I am indebted to the late Alan Horowitz for his compilation, and to Dr. J. Pachut.
I would be grateful for corrections to, or critical reviews of this information. This is not a 'final' version (an impossible ideal), but a working document.

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Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 4th May 2005
Modified on 13/6/2020 (Added WoRMS links)
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