Petigopora Ulrich, 1882

Type species: Chaetetes petechialis Nicholson, 1875 (Bassler 1953 has P. gregaria)

This genus includes the species:

  1. Petigopora petechialis
  2. (Nicholson, 1875) Late Ordovician Caradocian USA (Ohio) WoRMS 1412878
  3. Petigopora scabiosa
  4. Ulrich, 1889 Late Ordovician Ashgillian Canada (Manitoba) WoRMS 1437126

Petigopora from Cincinnati region: at University of Georgia.
Petigopora from Nashville region: at University of Georgia.

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Modified on 6th September 2004
Modified on 14/3/2020
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