Bryozoan References - 2023

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2022 2024
Achilleos, Katerina & Smith, Abigail M., 2023.
Proof of concept for measuring growth of shelf marine calcifiers: 'a Bryozoan odyssey'.
Marine and Freshwater Research, (online).
Arakawa, Shinji, 2023 (online 2022).
Restudy of a Miocene bryozoan species, Microporina articulata notoensis Sakakura, 1936 with description of another new species from the Nanao Calcareous Sandstone.
Paleontological Research, 27 (2): 231-240.
Arakawa, Shinji, 2023.
Five Species of Microporina (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from the Pleistocene Setana Formation at Kuromatsunai, Hokkaido, Japan.
Paleontological Research, 27 (3): 245-260.
Ashworth, James, 2023.
New fossils challenge the identity of the oldest bryozoan.
Natural History Museum News.
Berning, Björn & Spencer Jones, Mary, 2023.
Revision of the Cheilostomatida (Bryozoa) collected during the HMS 'Challenger' Expedition (1872–1876) in the central North Atlantic.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 103, e32: 1-22.
Bibermair, Julian & Schwaha, Thomas, 2023.
The unplumatellid Plumatella fruticosa found its home: Hirosella gen. nov. morphological arguments for the systematic placement of a freshwater bryozoan.
Journal of Morphology, 2023;284:e21620: 1-32.
Bogdanov, E.A., Vishnyakov, A.E., Kotenko, O.N., Grischenko, A,V., Letarov, A.V. & Ostrovsky, Andrei N., 2023.
Seasonal dynamics of a complex cheilostome bryozoan symbiosis: vertical transfer challenged.
Scientific reports, 23: 375.
Boonzaaier-Davids, Melissa K., Ma, Kevin C.K. & McQuaid, Christopher D., 2023.
Epibiotic association of encrusting cheilostome bryozoans on shells of an invasive mussel from rocky shores of South Africa, with the description of a new aviculiferous species of Chaperia.
Zootaxa, 5258 (2): 197-210.
Bouchet, Phillippe, Decock, Wim, Lonneville, Britt, Vanhoorne, Bart & Vandepitte, Leen, 2023.
Marine biodiversity discovery: the metrics of new species descriptions.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:929989.: 1-14.
Buttler, Caroline J., Mitchell, Ria M., Wilson, Mark A., & Johnston, Richard E., 2023
Applications for X-ray Tomography/Microscopy of Palaeozoic palaeostome bryozoans. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Cedeño-Posso, C., Polanco F., A., Borrero-Pérez, G. H., Montoya-Cadavid, E., Flórez, P., Yepes-Narváez, V., Cárdenas-Oliva, A., Benavides-Serrato, M., Gracia C., A., & Santodomingo, N., 2023.
Fauna diversity in Madracis spp. coral patches in the Colombian Caribbean.
Arxius de Miscellània Zoològica, 21: 105-128.
Decker, Sebastian, Hirose, Masato, Lemer, Sarah, Kuklinski, Piotr, Spencer, Hamish A., Smith, Abigail M. & Schwaha, Thomas, 2023.
Boring bryozoans: an investigation into the endolithic bryozoan family Penetrantiidae.
Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 1-43.
Decker, Sebastian Hellmuth, Saadi, Ahmed, Baranyi, Christian, Hirose, Masato, Lemer, Sarah, Sombke, Andy, Aguilera-Muñoz, Felipe, Vieira, Leandro, Smith, Abigail, Waeschenbach, Andrea & Schwaha, Thomas, 2023.
Boring systematics: a genome skimmed phylogeny of ctenostome bryozoans and their endolithic family Penetrantiidae with the description of one new species.
Authorea, (online, preprint).
Denisenko, Nina V., 2023.
Correction of the homonymy of the bryozoan genus Cinclidia Denisenko, 2018 (Gymnolaemata: Cheilostomatida: Cribrilinidae).
Zootaxa, 5336 (1): 148.
Denisenko, Nina V., 2023
Species richness and diversity patterns of bryozoans of the Arctic region: Spatial variation of bryozoan diversity. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Di Martino, Emanuela, 2023.
Scanning electron microscopy study of Lars Silén's cheilostome bryozoan type specimens in the historical collections of natural history museums in Sweden.
Zootaxa, 5379 (1): 1-106.
Di Martino, Emanuela, Berning, Björn, Gordon, Dennis P., Kukliński, Piotr, Liow, Lee Hsiang, Ramsfjell, Mali, Ribeiro, Henrique L. Smith, Abigail M., Taylor, Paul D., Voje, Kjetil L., Waeschenbach, Andrea & Porto, Arthur, 2023.
DeepBryo: a web app for AI-assisted morphometric characterization of cheilostome bryozoans.
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, (online).
Ernst, Andrej, 2023.
Fossilized soft tissues in Palaeozoic bryozoans.
Papers in Palaeontology, 9 (1) e1483: 1-7.
Ernst, Andrej & Tolokonnikova, Zoya A., 2023.
Unusual cystoporate? bryozoan from the Upper Ordovician of Siljan District, Dalarna, central Sweden.
GFF,. (online).
Ernst, Andrej & Rodriguez, Sergio, 2023.
Palaeoecology and palaeobiogeographic relationships of Lower Devonian bryozoans from the Guadámez and Peñón Cortado Sections of Sierra Morena (SW Spain).
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 38: 1-48.
Feary, Tyler M. & M., Smith Abigail, 2023
Food for thought: investigating the impacts of feeding regime on the growth and survival of a locally invasive cheilostome bryozoan, Watersipora subatra . In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Gąsiorowski, Ludwik, 2023.
Phoronida - A small clade with a big role in understanding the evolution of lophophorates.
Evolution & Development, 2023: 1-15.
González Mora, Sergio , Wyse Jackon, Patrick N., Barroso, Sara A. Quiroz, & Tovar, Francisco Sour, 2023
Pennsylvanian bryozoans from the Ixtaltepec Formation, Oaxaca, Mexico. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Gordon, Dennis P., 2023
Kingdom Animalia, phylum Bryozoa (bryozoans). In: The Marine Biota of Aotearoa New Zealand. Updating our marine biodiversity inventory Editors, Kelly, M., Mills, S., Terezow, M., Sim-Smith, C. & Nelson, W. 263-281pp.
Grant, Heather E., Ostrovsky, Andrew N., Jenkins, Helen L., Vieira, Leandro M., Gordon, Dennis P., Foster, Peter G., Kotenko, Olga N., Smith, Abigail M., Berning, Björn, Porter, Joanne S., Souto, Javier, Florence, Wayne K., Tilbrook, Kevin J. & Waeschenbach, Andrea, 2023.
Multiple evolutionary transitions of reproductive strategies in a phylum of aquatic colonial invertebrates.
Royal Society Proceedings B, 290: 20231458: 1-12.
Hageman, Steven J. & Vinn, Olev, 2023.
Late Cambrian Pywackia is a cnidarian, not a bryozoan: Insights from skeletal microstructure.
Journal of Paleontology, (online).
Haram, Linsey E., Carlton, James T., Centurioni, Luca, Choong, Henry, Cornwell, Brendan, Crowley, Mary, Egger, Matthias, Hafner, Jan, Hormann, Verena, Lebreton, Laurent, Maximenko, Nikolai, McCuller, Megan, Murray, Cathryn, Par, Jenny, Shcherbina, Andrey, Wright, Cynthia & Ruiz, Gregory M., 2023.
Extent and reproduction of coastal species on plastic debris in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.
nature ecology & evolution,.
Harmelin, Jean-Georges & Rosso, Antonietta, 2023.
On some "Hemicyclopora" Norman, 1894 and "Escharella" Gray, 1848 species (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) from the Atlantic-Mediterranean region. Re-examination of their generic status and description of new species and a new genus.
Zoosystema, 45 (10): 373-407.
Harrison, G William M., Claussen, Anna Lene, Schulbert, Christian & Munnecke, Axel, 2023.
Modern brackish bryostromatolites ("bryoliths") from Zeeland (Netherlands).
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102: 89-101.
Hayward, Bruce W., F., Stolberger. Thomas, Collins, Nathan, Beu, Alan G. & Blom, Wilma, 2023.
A diverse Late Pliocene fossil fauna and its paleoenvironment at Mãngere, Auckland, New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1-22.
Hirose, Masato & Kaneko, Sota, 2023
Bryozoan dispersal using pumice rafting generated by the submarine eruption in the Ogasawara, Japan. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Jackson, Jeremy B. C. & O'Dea, Aaron, 2023.
Evolution and environment of Caribbean coastal ecosystems.
PNAS, 120 (42) e2307520120: 1-12.
Key, Marcus M. Jr & Decker, Sebastian, 2023
Fouling of the slipper lobster, Scyllarides latus, by cyclostome and ctenostome bryozoans in the Mediterranean Sea off Malta. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., 2023 (Editors).
Bryozoan Studies 2022. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Bryozoology Association Conference (Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 August 2022). 204 pp. (CRC Press, London)
Key, Marcus M. Jr, Shaw, Jeremy, & Ward, Ingrid, 2023
Three-dimensional imaging of fossil cheilostome bryozoans in Eocene chert by Synchrotron Radiation Micro-Computed Tomography. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Key, Marcus M., Jr, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., McDowell, Madelaine S. & Nestell, Merlynd K., 2023.
Astogenetic morphological variation in the bryozoan Prophyllodictya gracilis from the Middle Ordovician of Russia and inferred colony-wide feeding currents.
Papers in Palaeontology, 9 (3): 1492.
Koch, Franziska, Neutel, Anje-Margriet, Barnes, David K. A., Tielbörger, Katja, Zarfl, Christiane, & Allhoff, Korinna T.
Competitive hierarchies in bryozoan assemblages mitigate network instability by keeping short and long feedback loops weak.
Nature Communications Biology, 6: 690.
Kotenko, Olga N. & Ostrovsky, Andrei N., 2023.
Unravelling the Evolution of Bryozoan Larvae.
Paleontogical Journal, 57 (11): 1306-1318.
Kubo, Chihiro & Hirose, Masato, 2023
Revision of Japanese Watersipora based on microscopic morphology and molecular data. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Lee, Hannah E., Orr, Russell J.S., McCann, Linda, & Craig, Sean F., 2023
A genome-skimmed phylogeny of California cheilostome bryozoans. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Leventhal, Sarah, Stowe, Kayli, & Simpson, Carl, 2023
Early proliferation of avicularia in the Cretaceous cheilostome bryozoan Wilbertopora: a diversification event guided by ecological exploration. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Lombardi, Chiara, Kuklinski, Piotr, Spirandelli, Edoardo, Bruzzone, Giorgio, Raiteri, Giancarlo, Bordone, Andrea, Mazzoli, Claudio, Correa, Matthias López, Geldern, Robert van, Plasseraud, Laurent, Thomas, Jérôme & Marin, Frédéric, 2023.
Antarctic Bioconstructional Bryozoans from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea): Morphology, Skeletal Structures and Biomineralization.
minerals, 13 (246): 1-26.
López-Gappa, Juan & Pérez, Leandro M., 2023.
Species of the genus Melicerita Milne Edwards (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) in the Early Miocene of Patagonia (Argentina).
Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 23 (1): 49-60.
López Gappa, Juan, Ezcurra, Martín D., Martha, Silviu O. & Pérez, Leandro M., 2023.
Species of Inversiulidae Vigneaux, 1949 (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida) in the early Miocene of Patagonia (Argentina), with a phylogenetic and palaeobiogeographical analysis of the family.
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 21:1, 2279674: 1-13.
Reid, Catherine M., 2023
A review of the species belonging in Stenopora Lonsdale, 1844. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Reitan, Trond, Di Martino, Emanuela & Liow, Hsiang Lee, 2023.
Estimating relative species abundance using fossil data identified to different taxonomic levels.
Ecography, 2023: e06866: 1-12.
Reverter Gil, Oscar & Souto, Javier, 2023.
New and non-indigenous species of Bryozoa from Iberian waters.
European Journal of Taxonomy, 885: 33-64.
Rosso, Antonietta & Di Martino, Emanuela, 2023.
Capturing the moment: a snapshot of Mediterranean bryozoan diversity in the early 2023.
Mediterranean Marine Science, 24 (2): 426-445.
Runciman, Kate M., Wilson, Mark A., Buttler, Caroline J., & Judge, Shelley A., 2023
Colony repair strategies in large trepostome bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati region, USA. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Saadi, Ahmed J., de Oliveira, André Luiz, Kocot, Kevin M., & Schwaha, Thomas, 2023.
Genomic and transcriptomic survey of bryozoan Hox and ParaHox genes with emphasis on phylactolaemate bryozoans.
BMC Genomics, 24:11: 1-9.
Schwaha, Thomas, Cometti, Valentina, Saadi, Ahmed J., Cecchetto, Matteo & Schiaparelli, Stefano, 2023.
Alcyonidium kuklinskii sp. nov., a new species of Antarctic ctenostome bryozoan with a key to all Antarctic species of the genus.
Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 1-10.
Smith, Abigail M., Achilleos, Katerina, & Gordon, Dennis P., 2023
Distribution patterns of shelf bryozoans around southern Aotearoa New Zealand. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Sonar, Mohan A., Kadu, Gaurav K. & Wayal, Dnyaneshwar V., 2023.
Onychocellidae (Bryozoa) from the Maastrichtian Kallankurichchi Formation, Ariyalur Group, southern India.
Cretaceous Research, 44: 105432.
Souto, Javier, Ramalhosa, Patrício, Ferrario, Jasmine, Png-Gonzalez, Lydia, Álvarez, Soledad, Gestoso, Ignacio, Nogueira, Natacha & Canning-Clode, Joâo, 2023.
New species and new records of bryozoan species from fouling communities in the Madeira Archipelago (NE Atlantic).
Marine Biodiversity, 53:49: 1-21.
Stephens-Norton, Sheela E., & Craig, Sean F., 2023
A review of contact dependent interactions among bryozoans. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Suárez Andrés, Juan Luis, Wyse Jackson, Patrick M., & Sendino, Consuelo, 2023
Enigmatic structures in Palaeozoic fenestrate bryozoans: the case of Fenestella sculptilis. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Taylor, Paul D. & Cuffey, Roger J., 2023
Bryozoans from the Turonian Carlile Shale of the Western Interior Seaway in Kansas, USA. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Tolokonnikova, Zoya A., 2023.
Раннепермские мшанки из рифовых массивов западного склона Южного Урала (Early Permian Bryozoans from reef massifs of the western slope of the southern Urals).
Geologicheskii vestnik (Геологический Вестник),.
Tolokonnikova, Zoya A. & Fedorov, Petr V., 2023.
Morphological features of Late Ordovician (Sandbian) bryozoans from the basin of Khrevitsa River (north-western Russia) and description of a new species of the genus Prophyllodictya Gorjunova, 1987.
Zootaxa, 5284 (2): 337-350.
Vinn, Olev, Wilson, Mark A. & Ernst, Andrej, 2023.
Macroscopic symbiotic endobionts in Phanerozoic bryozoans.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 615 (111453): 1-18.
Vinn, Olev, Wilson, Mark A. & Ernst, Andrej, 2023.
The Ordovician bioclaustration revolution.
Geobios, (online).
Vinn, Olev, Ernst, Andrej, Wilson, Mark A., Tinn, Oive, Isakar, Mare & Toom, Ursula, 2023.
Symbiosis in brachiopods and brachiopod-attached trepostome bryozoans from the Katian of Estonia.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 307 (1): 41-50.
Winston, Judith E. & Jackson, Jeremy B. C., 2023
Shallow coral reef bryozoans of Caracol Bay, Haiti. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Wood, Timothy S., Unger, Lilian Eva & Rasoamihaingo, Kaurence, 2023.
Bryozoan statoblasts from lake sediments in Madagascar, including two new species.
European Journal of Taxonomy, 900: 138-147.
Wyse Jackon, Patrick N., Key, Marcus M. Jr, & Reid, Catherine M., 2023
Skeletonisation in the stenolaemate bryozoan orders Cryptostomata (Suborder Rhabdomesina) and Trepostomata: the role of the Bryozoan Skeletal Index (BSI) as a taxonomic character. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Wyse Jackon, Patrick N., Ernst, Andrej, Shaikh-Horajska, Malgorzata, & Murray, John, 2023
Volgia (Bryozoa, Cystoporata): a rare occurrence from the Mississippian of Ireland. In: Bryozoan Studies 2022 Editors, Key, Marcus M. Jr, Porter, Joanne S., & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. (CRC Press, London).
Yang Jie, Lan Tian, Zhang Xie-guang, & Smith, Martin R., 2023.
Protomelission is an early dasyclad alga and not a Cambrian bryozoan 615 468-471.
Nature, 615: 468-471.

2022 2024




























Document edited 15/3/2024
Edited by Phil Bock
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