Bryozoan Digital Library - 1956

1955 1957

Androsova, E. I., 1956. [in Russian] Polyzoa of the Order Cheilostomata of the Sea of Japan. Probl Temat Soveshch ZIN, Trudui 6: 78-80. (in Weisbord 1967) (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G. & Morozova, I. P., 1956. On the systematics of the bryozoan Order Cryptostomata [in Russian]. Doklady Akademiya Nauk SSSR 110: 661-664. (K sistematike mshanok otryada Cryptostomata) (PDF File)

Balavoine, P., 1956. Quelques Bryozoaires Eocénes du Bassin de Paris et du Cotentin de la collection Gustave-F. Dollfuss. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 28: 319-325. (PDF File)

Bobies, C. A., 1956. Bryozoenstudien. I. Die Bryozoenfauna der tortonen Strandbildungen von Kalksburg bei Wien. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien Bd 99: 225-258. (PDF File)

Brien, Paul, 1956. Le bourgeonnement des endoproctes et la phylogenese. des Endoproctes et des Ectoproctes. A propos du bourgeonnement de Pedicellina cernua (Pallas). Annales de la Société royale zoologique de Belgique, 87: 27-43. (PDF File)

Brown, D. A., 1956. Some Pliocene Bryozoa from South Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (12) 9: 593-611. (PDF File)

Buge, E., 1956. Les Bryozoaires du Pliocène du Cap Bon. Annales Mines géologie, Tunis 17: 1-97. (PDF File)

Elias, M. K., 1956. A revision of Fenestella antiqua and related Silurian fenestellids. Journal of Paleontology 30: 314-332. (PDF File)

Gautier, Yves Victor, 1956. Premiére faunule des bryozoaires des cotes Syriennes. Vie et Milieu, Observatoire Océanologique - Laboratoire Arago, 7 (4): 554-561. (PDF File)

Gautier, Y V, 1956. Résultats scientifiques des campagnes de la "Calypso". Part 5. Bryozoaires. Annales de l'Institut océanographique, 32(2): 189-225. (PDF File)

Horowitz, A. S. & Perry, T. G., 1956. Fauna of the Glen Dean Limestone (middle Chester) of Indiana and northern Kentucky. Geological Society of America Bulletin 67 (12 (2)): 1707-1708. (PDF File)

Hyman, L H, 1958. The occurrence of chitin in the lophophorate phyla. Biological Bulletin, 114: 106-112. (PDF File)

Illies, G., 1956. Der mittlere Dogger im badischen Oberrheingebiet. Ber Naturf Ges Freiburg i, Br Bd 46: 5-52. (PDF File)

Lynch, W F, 1958. The effect of X-rays, irradiated sea water, and oxidizing agents on the rate of attachment of Bugula larvae. Biological Bulletin, 114(2): 215-225. (PDF File)

Macken, J., 1956. Studies on the Recent Bryozoa of New Zealand. 1. On some members of the Ctenostomata. Records of the Dominion Museum, Wellington 3: 19-26. (PDF File)

Malecki, J, 1958. Bryozoaires tortoniennes de Gliwice Stare (Haute Silésie). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego, 28(2): 169-194. (PDF File)

Marcus, E, 1958. On the evolution of the animal phyla. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 33(1): 24-58. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., 1956. Cheilostomatous Bryozoa from the Kurile Islands and the neighbouring districts. Pacific Science 10: 113-135. (PDF File)

Nekhoroshev, V. P., 1956. Class Bryozoa [in Russian]. Vses Nauk-Iss Geol Inst min Geol Okran Nedr SSSR (VSEGEI) 12: 42-49. (NS Pal.) (PDF File)

Nekhoroshev, V. P., 1956. Lower Carboniferous Bryozoa of the Altai and Siberia [in Russian]. Trudy Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Geologicheskiy Institut (VSEGEI), New Series 13: 1-419. (Snyder has as Izdanie AN (ns),) (PDF File)

Nekhorosheva, L. V., 1956. Bryozoa...Novaya Zemlaya... Trudy NIIGA 89: 78-80. (from Astrova 1978) (PDF File)

Prantl, F., 1956. On the genus Chasmatoporella Nekhoroschev in the Bohemian Ordovician (Bryozoa). Casop Narodn Musea Odd prirodoved 125: 139-141. (PDF File)

Prenant, M. & Bobin, G., 1956. Bryozoaires, premiere partie, Entoproctes, Phylactolèmes, Ctenostomes Vol. pp.1-398. Fédération Française des sociétés de sciences naturelles, Paris. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D., 1956. Studies on marine Bryozoa, VIII. Exochella longirostris Jullien 1888. Biological Bulletin, Woods Hole 111: 123-128. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D., 1956. Studies on marine Bryozoa, VII. Hippothoa. Ohio Journal of Science 56: 183-191. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D., 1956. Bryozoa of the United States Navy's 1947-1948 Antarctic Expedition, I-IV. Proceedings of the U.S. national museum 105: 221-317. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D., 1956. Studies on marine Bryozoa, V. Clithriellum inclusum (Waters). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 75: 70-74. (PDF File)

Silén, L, 1956. On shell-burrowing Bryozoa and Phoronis from New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 84(1): 93-96. (PDF File)

Tewari, B S, Bhargava, O N & Tandon, K K, 1958. Two cheilostome Bryozoa from Lower Miocene beds of Kutch. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 3: 233-235. (PDF File)

Thomas, H. D. & Larwood, G. P., 1956. Some 'uniserial' membraniporine polyzoan genera and a new American Albian species. Geological Magazine 93: 369-376. (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1956. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. XV. Pectinatella gelatinosa Oka. Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 22 (1): 29-33. (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1956. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. XVI. Lophopodella carteri (Hyatt). Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 22 (1): 35-44. (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1956. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. XVII. General consideration: interspecific relation of described species and phylogenic consideration. Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 22 (2): 57-88. (PDF File)

Trizna, V. B., 1956. Bryozoa from the Austrong Group, Lower Carboniferous, Kuznetz. Trav. Petrol. Bur. Petrol. Inst. USSR 98 (8): 1-122. (in Lu, 1989) (PDF File)

Uttley, G. H., 1956. Remarks on the bryozoan genera Spiroporina Stoliczka and Haswellina Livingstone and their genotypes. Trans roy soc NZ 84: 29-31. (PDF File)

Voigt, Ehrhard, 1956. Untersuchungen über Coscinopleura Marss. (Bryoz. foss.) und verwandte Gattungen. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg 25: 26-75. (PDF File)

Voigt, E, 1956. Der Nachweis des Phytals durch Epizoen als Kriterium der Tiefe vorzeitlicher Meere. Geologische Rundschau, 45: 97-119. (PDF File)

Voigt, E, 1958. Untersuchungen an Oktokorallen aus der oberen Kreide. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg, 27: 5-49. (PDF File)

Wiebach, F, 1958. Stamm: Kranzfühler, Tentaculata. Klasse: Moostierchen, Bryozoa. In: Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas, (Eds, Brohmer, P, Ehrmann, P & Ulmer, G): 1-56. (Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig) (PDF File)

Yang, Jingzhi, 1956. The Middle Devonian Bryozoa from the Heitai Formation of Mishan County, Kirin Province. Scientia Sinica 5: 763-793. (PDF File)

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Document edited 25/11/2018
Edited by Phil Bock
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