Bryozoan Digital Library - 1990

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Alvarez, J.A., 1990. Membranipora arborescens (Bryozoa: Cheilostomida): a new record in the Bay of Biscay. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 70: 917-919.

Alvarez, J.A., 1990. Notes on two species of the genus Turbicellepora Ryland, 1963 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomida) of the Atlanto-Mediterranean region: T. avicularis (Hincks, 1860) amd T. magnicostata (Barroso, 1919). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 31: 473-483. (PDF File)

Alvarez, J.A., 1990. Una coleccion de briozoos procedentes de la costa de Alicante. Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., 6: 21-39.

Anstey, R.L., 1990. Bryozoans. In: McNamara, K.J., (editor), Evolutionary Trends: 232-252. Belhaven Press, London.

Anstey, R.L., & Rabbio, S.F., 1990. (Entered as 1989) Regional bryozoan biostratigraphy and taphonomy of the Edenian stratotype (Kope Formation, Cincinnati area): graphic correlation and gradient analysis. Palaios, 4: 574-584.

Anthoni, U., Nielsen, P.H., Pereira, M., & Christophersen, C., 1990. Bryozoan secondary metabolites: a chemotaxonomical challenge. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 96: 431-437.

Bameul, Franck, & Dauphin, Patrick, 1990. Note sur la decouverte en Gironde du bryozoaire d'eau douce Plumatella fungosa (Pallas) (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata, Plumatellidae). Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux 18 (3): 111-117.

Banta, W.C., & Redden, J.C., 1990. A checklist of the Bryozoa of the Galapagos. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 103: 789-802. (PDF File)

Barbu, J.Z., 1990. Paleogene Bryozoans from North-Western Transylvania. Dări de Seamă ale Institutului Geologie şi Geofizică 74 (3, 1987): 111-134.

Bhakuni, D.S., & Jain, S., 1990. Bioactive metabolites of the marine invertebrates Part 1 - Sponges, jelly fish. sea anemones, corals and bryozoans. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (India), 49: 330-349.

Bianchi, M., Braga, G., Finotti, F., & Manfredi, M., 1990. The role of bryozoans in paleoenvironmental deductions. Saito Ho-on Kai Special Publication, 3: 469-475.

Bianchi, Michele, Braga, Giampietro, Finotti, Franco, & Manfredo, Mario, 1990. Ruolo dei briozoi nelle interpretazioni paleoambientali. In: Robba, E., (editor), Proceedings of the fourth symposium on ecology and paleoecology of benthic communities, Sorrento: 21-33. Museo regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino.

Blondel, T., Pouyet, S., & David, L., 1990. Les bryozoaires du Burdigalien terminal - Langhian supérieur de Tunisie. Données préliminaires. Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France, (8) 6 (4): 667-672. (PDF File)

Bone, Y., & Wass, R.E., 1990. Sub-Recent bryozoan-serpulid build-ups in the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 37: 207-214. (PDF File)

Boyer, M., Matricardo, G., & Pisano, E., 1990. Zoarial forms in the development of a bryozoan community. Anales de Biologia (Murcia), 16: 155-162.

Buss, L.W., 1990. Competition within and between encrusting clonal invertebrates. Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Buttler, C.J., 1990. New information on the morphology and skeletal ultrastructure of the Ordovician cyclostome bryozoan Kukersella Toots, 1952. Paläontologisches Zeitschrift, 63: 215-228.

Cazzaniga, N.J., 1990. Hyalinella vaihirae (Ectoprocta: Phylactolaemata) en la Provincia de San Juan (Argentina). Rev. Asoc. Cienc. Nat. Litoral, 19: 205-208.

Colon-Urban, R., & Oppenheim, J.D., 1990. Seasonally occurring lectins from the bryozoan Bugula neritina. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 254: 138-143.

Conti, S., 1990. Upper Ordovician Bryozoa from Sardinia. Palaeontographia Italica, 77: 85-165.

Denisenko, N.V., 1990. Raspredelenie i ekologiya mshanok Barentseva morya [Bryozoan distribution and ecology in the Barents Sea], 158. Kol'skii nauchnyi tsentr AN SSSR, Apatity.

Di Geronimo, I., Giacobbe, S., Rosso, A., & Sanfilippo, R., 1990. Popolamenti e tanatocenosi del Banco Apollo (Ustica, Mar Tirreno meridionale). In: Atti IV Simposio di Ecologia e Paleoceologi della Communità Bentoniche, Sorrento, 1-5 Novembre 1988, Mus. Reg. Sc. Torino: 697-729.

Di Geronimo, I., & Rosso, A., 1990. First Italian Oceanographic Expedition in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Benthos: a preliminary report. In: Nat. Sc. Com. Ant. Oceanogr. Campaign 1987-88, Data Report, Part 1: Physical, Chemical, Biological Oceanography: 407-421.

Esa, A.H., Boto, W.O., Alder, W.H., May, W.S., & Hess, A.D., 1990. Activation of T-cells by bryostatins: Induction of the IL-2 receptor gene transcription and down-modulation of surface receptors. International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 12: 481-490.

Favorskaya, T.A., 1990. [in Russian] Cheilostomatous bryozoans from the Late Cenomanian of the southwestern spurs of the Gissar Range. Ezhegodnik Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestva, 33: 51-63.

Fernández Pulpeiro, E, Reverter Gil, O & Ramil, F, 1990. Inventario de los Briozoos de Galicia. Thalassas, 8: 57-67.

Gontar, V.I., 1990. [in Russian] Bryozoa of the Laptev Sea and New Siberian shoals. Issledovaniya fauny morey, 37 (45): 130-138.

Gordon, D.P., 1990. The Tertiary bryozoan family Prostomariidae - morphology and relationships. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria, 50: 467-472. (PDF File)

Guha, A.K., & Senthil Nathan, D., 1990. Onychocellids (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) from the Ariyalur carbonate sediments of south India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 35: 41-51.

Harmelin, J.-G., 1990. Deep-water crisiids (Bryozoa: Cyclostomata) from the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Journal of natural history, 24: 1597-1616. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1990. Interactions between small sciaphilous scleractinians and epizoans in the northern Mediterranean, with particular reference to bryozoans. P.S.Z.N.I: Marine Ecology, 11: 351-364.

Harvell, C.Drew, 1990. The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses. Quarterly Review of Biology, 65: 323-340.

Harvell, C.D., 1990. The evolution of inducible defense. Parasitology, 100 (Suppl.): S53-S61.

Harvell, C.D., Caswell, H., & Simpson, P., 1990. Density effects in a colonial monoculture: Experimental studies with a marine bryozoan (Membranipora membranacea L.). Oecologia, 82: 227-237. (PDF File)

Harvell, C.D., & Padilla, D.K., 1990. Inducible morphology, heterochrony and size hierarchies in a colonial invertebrate monoculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. U.S.A., 87: 508-512. (PDF File)

Hayward, P.J., & Ryland, J.S., 1990. Some Antarctic and Subantarctic species of Microporellidae (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata). Journal of natural history, 24: 1263-1287. (PDF File)

Hayward, P.J., & Thorpe, J.P., 1990. Some Antarctic and sub-Antarctic species of Smittinidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Journal of zoology, London, 222: 137-176. (PDF File)

Henry, V., Bussers, J.C., Bouquegneau, J.M., & Thome, J.P., 1990. Heavy metal and PCB contamination of bryozoan colonies in the River Meuse (Belgium). Hydrobiologia, 202: 147-152.

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1990. Adelascopora secunda subsp. charcoti, subsp. nov., nouveau bryozoaire cheilostome (Microporellidae) de l'ocean glacial arctique. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 115: 263-270.

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1990. Guide de terrain pour la récolte des Bryozoaires marins sur les côtes occidentales françaises. 1. Golfe de Morbihan (Station Biologique de Bailleron). Bulletin trimestriel de la Société Géologique de Normandie et Amis Muséum de Havre, 77: 51-57.

Hu, Z.-x, 1990. [in Chinese] Telychian (Silurian) Bryozoa from Ningqiang, S. Shaanxi. Acta paleontologica sinica, 29: 600-611.

Huang Zongguo, Li Chuanyan & Liu Xixing, 1990. The bryozoan foulers of Hong Kong and neighbouring waters. In: Morton, B., (editor), The marine flora and fauna of Hong Kong and southern China, 1986. 2: 737-765. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong.

Hughes, D.J., & Jackson, J.B.C., 1990. Do constant environments promote complexity of form? The distribution of bryozoan polymorphism as a test of hypotheses. Evolution, 44: 889-905.

Hughes, T.P., 1990. Recruitment limitation, mortality, and population regulation in open systems: A case study. Ecology, 71: 12-20.

Jackson, J.B.C., & Cheetham, A.H., 1990. Evolutionary significance of morphospecies: A test with cheilostome Bryozoa. Science, 248: 579-583. (PDF File)

Jackson, J.B.C., & McKinney, F.K., 1990. Ecological processes and progressive macroevolution of marine clonal benthos. In: Ross, R.M., & Allmon, W.D., (editors), Causes of evolution: a paleontological perspective: 173-209. University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London.

Jones, R.J., Sharkis, S.J., Miller, C.B., Rowinsky, E.K., Burke, P.J., & May, W.S., 1990. Bryostatin 1, a unique biologic response modifier: Antileukemic activity in vitro. Blood, 75: 1319-1323.

Kaminski, M., 1990. Fauna inhabiting in the colonies of freshwater bryozoan Plumatella fungosa Pall. Phylactolaemata). Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii, 37: 495-502.

Key, M.M.Jr, 1990. Intracolony variation in skeletal growth rates in Paleozoic ramose trepostome bryozoans. Paleobiology, 16: 483-491.

Key, M.M.Jr, 1990. A new family of trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician Simpson Group of Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology, 64: 700-724. (PDF File)

Lavrentjeva, V.D., 1990. [in Russian] new genus of cryptostomid (Cryptostomida). Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1990 (2): 127-130.

Li, Z.P., 1990. Bryozoaires de Montbrison-Fontbonau (Drome) et comparison avec les autres faunes Miocenes du Bassin Rhodanien meridional. Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Lyon, 27: 1-126.

Lidgard, S., 1990. Growth in encrusting cheilostome bryozoans: Circum-Atlantic distribution patterns. Paleobiology, 16: 304-321. (PDF File)

Liu Xixing, 1990. [in Chinese] Three new cheilostome bryozoans from the coasts of Shandong and Zhejiang provinces. Studia Marina Sinica, 31: 121-128.

Lopez Gappa, J.J., & Lichstein, V., 1990. Los Briozoos coleccionados por el B/I Shinkai Maru en la plataforma continental Argentina. 1, 32. Republica Argentina: Servicio de Hidrografia Naval.

Manganelli, G., 1990. Phylum Bryozoa. In: Giusti, F., (editor), Gli invertebrati. Catalogo e bibliografia delle specie viventi in provincia di Siena: 63-65. Nuova imagine editrice?.

Massard, J.A., & Geimer, G., 1990. Note on the freshwater Bryozoa (Ectoprocta, Phylactolaemata) of Tenerife. Vierarea, 19: 327-338. (PDF File)

Massard, J.A., & Geimer, G., 1990. Notice sur les bryozoaires du lac Echternach et du lac de la Haute-Sure ainsi que sur la presence de l'hydrozoaire Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771) dans la centrale nucleaire de Cattenom. Bulletin de la Societe des naturalistes Luxembourgeois, 90: 163-168.

McKinney, F.K., 1990. Feeding and associated colonial morphology in marine bryozoans. Reviews in Aquatic Sciences, 2: 255-280.

McKinney, Frank K., Broadhead, Thomas W., & Gibson, Michael A., 1990. Coral-bryozoan mutualism: structural innovation and greater resource exploitation. Science, 248: 466-468. (PDF File)

Mukai, Hideo, 1990. Systematic position of Stephanella hina (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata), with special reference to the budding site and the attachment of sessoblasts. Zoological Science, 7: 947-954. (PDF File)

Mukai, Hideo, Backus, B.T., & Wood, T.S., 1990. Comparative studies of American, European and Japanese forms of Plumatella emarginata a freshwater bryozoan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of systematic Zoology, 42: 51-59. (PDF File)

Muñoz B., M.R., Manriquez, P.H., Castañeda, B., & Cancino, J.M., 1990. Es afectada la expectativa da vida de los modulos por su posicion en la colonia? Estudio comparativo en briozoos. Revista de Biologia Marina, 25: 35-46.

Nakrem, H.A., & Mork, A., 1990. New Early Triassic Bryozoa (Trepostomata) from Spitsbergen, with some remarks on the stratigraphy of the investigated horizons. Geological Magazine, 128: 129-140.

Nekhorosheva, L.V., 1990. A new representative of diastoporids (bryozoans) from the Middle Ordovician of Vaigach Island. Ezhegodnik Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestva, 33: 256-261.

Nielsen, C., 1990. Bryozoa Ectoprocta. In: Adiyodi, K.G., & Adiyodi, R.G., (editors), Reproductive biology of invertebrates: 185-200. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, etc. (PDF File)

Oda, S., 1990. Abnormal polypides in Pectinatella magnifica, a freshwater bryozoan. Adv. Invertebr. Reprod., 5: 43-48.

Oda, S., 1990. Freshwater bryozoans of Japan. Nippon no Seibutsu (The Natural History of Japan), 4 (8): 50-57. (PDF File)

Oda, S., 1990. Life cycle of Pectinatella magnifica, a freshwater bryozoan. In: Hoshi, M., & Yamashita, O., (editor), Advances in Invertebrate Reproduction. 5: 43-48. Elsevier, Amsterdam. (PDF File)

Oda, S., & Mukai, H., 1990. Asexual reproduction of freshwater bryozoans. Saihou (Cell), 22: 394-399. (PDF File)

Okamura, B., 1990. Particle size, flow-velocity and suspension feeding by the erect bryozoans Bugula neritina and B. stolonifera. Marine Biology, 105: 33-38.

Pitt, L.J., & Taylor, P.D., 1990. Cretaceous Bryozoa from the Faringdon Sponge Gravel (Aptian) of Oxfordshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Geology), 46: 61-152. (PDF File)

Poignant, A., 1990. Nouveaux microproblematica: Yvonniellina parva n.sp., Voorthuyseniella bearnensis n.sp. et Pseudarcella sp. dans l'Eocene et l'Oligocene d'Aquitaine (suf-ouest de la France). Revue de Micropaleontologie, 33: 115-122.

Poignant, A., & Pouyet, S., 1990. Petits bryozoaires cheilostomes du Tertiare d'Aquitaine (SW France). Revue de Micropaleontologie, 32: 291-296.

Pouyet, S., 1990. Les faunes des bryozoaires cheilostomes du Neogene betique. Documents et Travaux Institut Geologique Albert de Lapparent, 12-13: 49-51.

Pushkin, V.I., 1990. [in Russian] Bryozoa of the family Ceramoporidae of Ordovician from the eastern European platform. In: New representatives of the fossil fauna and flora of Belorussia and other regions of the USSR: collected scientific papers: 5-34. Nauka y Tekhnika, Minsk.

Pushkin, V.I., Nekhorosheva, L.V., Kopaevich, G.V., & Yaroshinskaya, A.M., 1990. [in Russian] Przhydolian Bryozoa of the USSR. 125 pp., Nauka, Moscow.

Raveendran, T.V., de Souza, A.P., & Wagh, A.B., 1990. Fouling polyzoans of Bombay offshore waters. Mahasagar, 23: 169-178.

Reguant, S., 1990. Metrarabdotos orisense n.sp. (Bryozoa Cheilostomata Ascophora) del Eoceno medio de Vic (Barcelona): una forma ramosa singular. Revista Española de Paleontología, 5: 71-76.

Rho, B.-J., & Seo, J.-E., 1990. A systematic study of the marine bryozoans in Korea. 7. Suborder Anasca. Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology, 6: 145-159.

Rieradevall, M., & Busquets, J.M., 1990. Bryozoans of Banyoles Lake (NE Spain). Limnetica, 6: 137-146. (PDF File)

Ross, J.R.P., & Ross, C.A., 1990. Late Paleozoic bryozoan biogeography. Geological Society Memoir, 12 (Paleozoic paleogeography and biogeography): 353-362. (McKerrow, W.S., & Scotese, C.R., editors)

Rosso, A., 1990. Bryozoan community of IB3 Station (Ross Sea: Antarctica). In: Nat. Sc. Com. Ant. Oceanogr. Campaign 1987-88, Data Report, Part 1: Physical, Chemical, Biological Oceanography: 423-438.

Rosso, A., 1990. Thanatocenose wurmien à Bryozoaires bathyaux en Mer Tyrrhenienne. Rapp. Comm. int. mer Médit., 32: 23. (PDF File)

Ryland, J.S., 1990. The lophophorate phyla, Phoronida, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda. In: Hayward, P.J., & Ryland, J.S., (editors), The marine fauna of the British Isles and north-west Europe: 794-838. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Sabattini, N., 1990. Nueva especie de Penniretepora d'Orbigny (Fenestrata, Bryozoa) del Carbonifero de la Cuenca Tepuei - Genoa (Chubut, Argentina). Ameghiniana - revista de la Asociacíon Paleontológica Argentina, 27: 185-187.

Sakagami, S., 1990. Paleozoic and Triassic bryozoans. In: Ichikawa, K., Mizutani, S., Hara, I., Hada, S., & Yao, A., (editors), Pre-Cretaceous terranes of Japan: 321-328. IGCP Project 224, Osaka.

Sakagami, S., 1990. Notes on the Permian bryozoans from the kapp Starostin Formation at Festningen route, Spitsbergen. In: Nakamura, K., (editor), Investigations on the Upper Carboniferous - Upper Permian Succession of West Spitsbergen 1989-1991: 39-57., Sapporo.

Schaufelberger, D.E., Alvardo, A.B., Andrews, P., & Beutler, J.A., 1990. Detection and quantification of bryostatin1 and 2 in Bugula neritina by combined high performance liquid chromatography and 3H-phorbol bibutyrate displacement. J. Liq. Chromatogr., 13: 583-598.

Scholz, J., 1990. The significance of Philippine reef and harbor Bryozoa as indicators of environmental stress. The Philippine Scientist, 27: 19-26.

Smyth, M.J., 1990. Incidence of boring organisms in gastropod shells on reefs around Guam (West Pacific Ocean). Bulletin of Marine Science, 46: 432-449.

Southwood, David A., 1990. New bryozoan taxa from the Upper Permian Zechstein reef in N.E. England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 48: 33-40.

Steinbacher, H., 1990. Fossile Moostierchen (Bryozoen) im Helvetikum des Haunsberges. Haus. Natur. Jahresber., 11: 179-180.

Sugimura, A., & Sugiyama, T., 1990. Carboniferous bryozoans from the 'Chichi-iwa' in Yamaguchi City, southwest Japan. Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-dai Museum of natural History, 25: 27-37.

Szczechura, J., 1990. Marginal bryozoan Calvina from the Paleocene of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 35: 41-48.

Taneda, Yasuho, 1990. Development and Growth of Buds in the Freshwater Bryozoan, Pectinatella gelatinosa Oka. Yokohama National University Faculty of Education Science Teaching Practice Faculty Research Report, 6: 49-58. (PDF File)

Taylor, P.D., 1990. Bioimmured ctenostomes from the Jurassic and the origins of the cheilostome Bryozoa. Palaeontology, 33: 19-34. (PDF File)

Taylor, P.D., 1990. Preservation of soft-bodied and other organisms by bioimmuration - a review. Palaeontology, 33: 1-17.

Taylor, P.D., 1990. Encrusters. In: Briggs, D.E.G., & Crowther, P.R., (editors), Palaeobiology. A synthesis: 346-351. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

Taylor, P.D., 1990. The impact of the SEM in studies of living and fossil bryozoans. Systematics Association Special Volume, 41: 259-280.

Taylor, P.D., & Larwood, G.P., 1990. Major evolutionary radiations in the Bryozoa. In: Taylor, P.D., & Larwood, G.P., (editors), Major evolutionary radiations. Systematics Association special volume 42: 209-233. (PDF File)

Taylor, P.D., & Todd, J.A., 1990. Sandwiched fossils. Geology Today, 1990: September-October: 151-154.

Tuckey, M.E., 1990. Biogeography of Ordovician bryozoans. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 77: 91-126.

Tuckey, M.E., 1990. Distributions and extinctions of Silurian Bryozoa. Geological Society Memoir, 12: 197-206.

Vávra, N., & Becker-Platen, J.D., 1990. Eine Bryozoenfaunula aus dem Tertiär der Turkei. Doc. Nat., 59: 197-206.

Vinogradov, A.V., 1990. Bryozoa Phylactolaemata of the continental waters of Mongolia. Vestn. Zool., 1990 (3): 74-75.

Vinogradov, A.V., 1990. [in Russian] An addition to the fauna of the Phylactolaemata (Bryozoa) of Moscow region. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 69: 142-144.

Vinogradov, A.V., 1990. [in Russian] Zoarial polymorphism of pearlwort in continental reservoirs. Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii, 51: 836-840.

Vinogradov, A.V., & Rytova, M.Yu, 1990. [in Russian] On bryozoan statoblasts in the Mid-Volga Basin plankton. Vestn. Zool., 1990 (4): 65-66.

Viskova, L.A., & Morozova, I.P., 1990. [in Russian] New data on the system of higher taxa of the Bryozoa. In: Menner, V.V., (editor), [in Russian] Systematics and phylogeny of Invertebrata: the criteria for establishing higher taxa: 103-113. Nauka, Moscow.

Walter, B., 1990. Le plus ancien Radioporidae (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata): Tholopora neocomiensis (Canu et Bassler) du Néocomien du Jura Franco-Suisse. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, (4) 12C: 41-51.

Williams, A., 1990. Brachiopoda and Bryozoa. In: Carter, J.G., (editor), Skeletal biomineralization: patterns, processes and evolutionary trends: 57-61. van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

Winston, J.E., 1990. Life in Antarctic depths. Natural History, 1990 (9): 70-75.

Wulff, J.I., 1990. Biostratinomic utility of Archimedes in environmental interpretation. Palaios, 5: 160-166.

Yang, J.-z, & Qian, W.-l, 1990. [in Chinese] Current development in bryozoan research - a review. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 7: 275-294.

Yaroshinskaya, A.M., 1990. [in Russian] Bryozoans. Akad. Nauk SSSR Sib. Otd. Inst. Geol. Geifiz. Tr., 724: 31-35.

Zheng, Y., 1990. [in Chinese] Ordovician bryozoans from Nei Mongol-Hinggan Ling Range. Bull. Shenyang Inst. Geol. Miner. Resour., 19: 61-71.

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